Jonay Jones


 Lauren Whempner small.  

Jonay's journey began with a longing to reconnect with her body, and through yoga, she discovered a path that nurtures balance from within. With each practice, Jonay invites you to honor the present moment, embracing the unique experience of your body and mind. In her vinyasa classes, Jonay blends fiery determination with fluid grace, guiding students to ignite their inner fire and flow with cosmic currents of passion and intuition. Join Jonay for an uplifting journey through movement and mindfulness, where every class is infused with confidence, fun, and an easygoing energy that magnetically draws you in.



Ada Hawkins
Ahmie Alvarez
Andrea Dill
Ceci Greenway
Elizabeth Done
Emily Safdeye
Jonay Jones
Jaime Annett
Kate Cianci
Kennedy Mullen
Kenya DeJarnette
Kimberly Pask
Lauren Whempner
Lori Schneider
Molly Atler
Olga Atkinson
Jess Crocker

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